Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Let us Draw In the Reins of Our Minds

Drawing in the reins of our mind…an expression the Mothers of the Church have often used. It conjures up a picture of someone trying to stop a runaway horse, galloping for all he is worth. The rider will pull back hard on the reins, hoping to slow the pace and get 'Trigger' back on course.

It's not unusual for us to half listen or for the mind to wander...it happens to me all the time. Sometimes my concentration level is just not where it should be. You know how it is...someone is telling you something, but your thoughts are running somewhere else, or you're thinking about what you are going to say in response. I don't think I'm unique in this...we just don't listen.

This was brilliantly illustrated once in a sermon. The preacher said that he and his wife were at dinner with her family and he tried this experiment…

"Imagine you are driving a bus and you go about a quarter of a mile, and pick up 3 children. You drive another 4 blocks and pick up 2 more...go another 6 blocks and pick up 4 more, and finally drive another mile and drop off 5 children.

What is the bus driver's first name?"

No one could answer...the elder said, "See, you weren't listening...I began, 'Imagine YOU are driving...' You don't listen!"

Thinking of his words again today, I began to reflect how this is true with me and with spiritual matters. How often have I missed an important point in a sermon because I was thinking of something else? I am a writer of sorts, and sometimes words or phrases will 'jump out' at me and set my mind in a frenzy of thoughts...so then I'm scrambling for pen and paper, and you see how it is...distraction of the highest magnitude.

My thoughts may have seemed as needful as concentrating on one particular point in the message, or concern for a friend or loved one caused me to think, "Oh, this Word would bless them." Whatever the logical reason for it, truth is, I was distracted away from the Word being preached. Like the runaway horse, my mind was running wild.

It is often the little things, like personal preference, that will draw my attention away from important things, causing me to block out what is happening at the moment. Case in point…what wonderful lyrics have I missed because I didn't care for the melody of the song?

Where is my mind and why am I not listening?!

Sis. Nona Freeman, former missionary to Africa, and a lifelong minister of the Word, cited this incident in one of her books. It is a conversation with a dying Saint...

"A casual observer would have thought me a real Christian. I went through the motions knowing the right things to do and say, but my heart was not in it. I carefully did all the pastor expected but while my lips voiced meaningless praise words, my mind toyed with every conceivable fantasy.

Real worship is a concert from the heart, soul, and mind. I went through the actions of singing, testifying, praying, and listening to messages while in my mind I cut out a new dress, planted flowers, painted the kitchen, visited friends and relations, or went shopping with limitless funds.

Oh, my friend...if only I could go back one more time and sing one of those lovely old songs about the Blood of Jesus. I would picture the cross and praise Him with deep gratitude for the precious flow that redeemed me.
When the leader said, 'Let everyone pray', how fervently I would lift my voice to the King. When the preacher opened the Word, I would follow him in my Bible, make notes, and allow the living Truth to nourish my soul.

I would have real concern and compassion for a lost world, and do something about it, if I could.
But it's over and done...my chance is forever gone. The dear Lord has assured me He’ll take me to His house, but I go with empty hands."

Her final words to Sister Freeman were, “Whenever you think of me, warn others to be real, to serve God from the heart, and not to waste the precious fleeting moments.”

Life is SO short, y'all. Even if we live to be 100 years old, when compared with eternity, a century of living is nothing. With that thought in mind, let us make the most of our time here. From this point on, and forevermore, let us continually draw in the reins of our minds. It is only when we do that we will hear the still small voice compelling us and drawing us closer...ever closer to Him.

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee (Isaiah 26:3).

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