Monday, March 29, 2010

The Healer Is Here

Does it seem to you that sickness and disease are on the rampage? Whew! It seems like everywhere you turn any more you hear someone has received a bad report. Things have gotten so bad where my brother lives that their church is in a prayer and fast revival, with the main theme, ‘Praying Cancer OUT Of Anderson.’

One may wonder how this is possible…can disease be something folks can pray out of a city? While I don’t pretend to have all the answers, I believe it is indeed possible to pray that kind of a prayer.

What we are dealing with are not just hereditary diseases or things we catch, like one would a softball. I believe diseases are an attack from the enemy of our souls that come to kill, steal, and destroy. The Word of God confirms this in Luke 13:11...

And, behold, there was a woman which had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years, and was bowed together, and could in no wise lift up herself.

It is the job of satan and his emissaries to stop the believer before their appointed time, and prevent the nonbeliever from coming to the Lord.

But hear ye the Word of the Lord…

But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed (Isaiah 53:5).

Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed (I Peter 2:24).

He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions (Psalm 107:20).

Not only ARE we healed, but we WERE healed the moment the stripes were applied to the back of the Master. The price for sickness has been paid. As someone once said, “Healing is the children's bread.” We can boldly approach the throne with our petitions because His Word says we ARE healed.

When the people of God become desperate for a touch from on High, God does the impossible. Our family can speak about this from experience…

My brother, Rob, was three years old when he was hospitalized with pneumonia. It was there that the doctor discovered he had leukemia. In 1956 there wasn’t much they could do for someone with this form of cancer, and the doctor said those very words to my parents.

I remember the police coming to our door, as we didn’t have a telephone, and telling my parents to get right up to the hospital because Rob was dying. Daddy somehow contacted our pastor, and the church prayed. The report that came from the doctor was this… “It was a Higher Power that saved your boy, for there was nothing we could do!”

March, 29, 2010, and Rob is yet alive and well!

I have seen God do SO many wonderful things. More than 15 years ago I fell up a flight of stairs…don’t ask! I was in a hurry and wasn’t paying attention, as I was busy preparing to leave the next day for a convention.

In the process of falling, my right shoulder hit the step…hard. When I turned around to sit down, I was in such pain, there are not words to describe. A friend was there, and related to me after this ordeal was over that she was afraid at the time to tell me just how bad I looked…black under the eyes, and the shoulder was drooped way down my arm.

I had knocked it out of socket, y'all.

Someone ran to get ice, but they had to remove it because of the pain. My friend said we had better go to the hospital, but I asked that before we do, would they pray? She sat next to me, gently laid her hand on my back, which, even in her gentleness, was extremely painful...but then she prayed these simple words, “Lord, you know we don’t have time for this…!”

When she said those words, I felt my shoulder pop back in place. Her daughter was on the other side of the room, frightened I imagine, and said that she heard it pop. God healed my shoulder, and I have never been to a doctor about it.

My niece had a detached retina, and through prayer and faith, it reattached, something the experts tell us is impossible. I saw a woman with a broken back leap from the wheel chair and run around the church house. Sister Alice was in so much pain, they could barely get her from the car into the church, but afterward, she walked on her own to the car, rejoicing in the Lord.

Though some leave here and are not healed, that does not mean healing has ceased. I don’t understand God’s will and timing in such matters, but I DO know God is still a healer!

When my 20 year old nephew passed, I had to say those words out loud, "God is STILL a healer!" It was necessary to say it, not just for my own benefit, but so the devil could hear it. Though grieving, he had to know that my faith was not shaken because John was gone. God still works the impossible!

In describing the loss of both of her nephew's eyes due to disease, a friend said that though it is something she will never understand, the fact remains, God is STILL a healer!

He is a testimony that though he cannot see with his natural eyes, it is possible to lead a productive life with a positive attitude...she said her nephew does everything he wants to do, plays the piano, and even water skies.

The Lord continues to work the impossible. The blind still see. The deaf still hear. The lame still walk. The diseased are still made whole. The Healer has not left the building...He is here!

So today, if you or a loved one have received a bad report, choose to receive the report of the Lord! His Word says we are healed! Trust in the Lord this day, for the Healer IS here!

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