Tuesday, March 9, 2010

An Empty, Willing Vessel

It has often been said in lessons and sermons that “God is not looking for ability, but availability.” While this is true, it is easy to wonder, “Yes, but what can I do…I would make myself available if I knew what to do?” Well, I’m so glad you asked!

The first thing to do is realize that making ourselves available to the Lord is the most important thing. It is greater than a gift or talent. Being available means we are capable of being used. This capability does not mean we have super abilities, just that we are unoccupied or entangled with anything else. In other words, we are free and at liberty to do the Lord’s will.

Lives that are available to the Lord are those which have been emptied of every inner distraction and fear. An emptied life is what is described in Romans 12:1 as, “a living sacrifice.” Paul called this our “reasonable service.” God is not asking a hard thing or something we can’t do, but is simply looking for our reasonable or suitable service. What are you best suited for? What do you like to do?

Ministry can be found if we are available...

Do you like to cook? Well, consider fixing a nice lunch for the pastor and church secretary, and dropping it off at the front office. Maybe the Mothers of the Church would like someone to prepare them a home cooked meal, delivered to their door. You can fix food for church funerals and events, or help serve and clean up. Perhaps decorating for church functions is your thing. It may seem like insignificant and not ministry at all, but how needed this gift is! Many don’t like to cook or have the time, and not everyone has the flair for decorating and presenting food in an appetizing manner, but if you are capable, what a blessing this would be.

Maybe your gift is that you are outgoing and love meeting new people…outreach or the hospitality team would be for you. Perhaps you sing or play an instrument, but feel that the choir stand is full, and musicians are plentiful. Well, remember that the music department in most churches is more than the choir and band. Singing and playing for the prison ministry or retirement centers would be most needed.

It is possible that you have a way with babies and toddlers…working in the church nursery or teaching Sunday School may be your place of ministry.

And just maybe you like to write. The Church will always need books and literature written by men and women of faith, and the Internet is a great place to share the written Word of God. Perhaps you enjoy sending ‘Thinking of You’ cards...brightening the corner where you are and making someone’s day is a wonderful gift. The possibilities are endless of what we can do for Kingdom sake.

If you glean nothing else from this piece, I pray you understand that we are ALL important, and EVERY part of the body is needful. The mouth cannot say to the hand, “I am greater than you because I speak the Word, and all you do is labor with your hands.” Each one of us have a role to play and a place of importance in Kingdom work. The mouth without the hand is crippled…hands without a voice may lack clarity. The Body of Christ needs each one to play the part they were meant to play.

There is a marvelous story told in II Kings 4:1-6 about a woman whose husband is dead, and the creditor has come to take her sons to pay off the debt. She sought the advice of the man of God in this matter, and in doing so, she wasn’t looking for a handout…the widow knew the prophet didn’t have it to give. What she was looking for was to hear a Word from the Lord…a word of wisdom that would bring the solution for this dilemma.

Elisha asked what she had in her house. He wasn’t asking a hard thing, just for what she had on hand. What did she have at her fingertips that God could use to bring a miracle?

The widow said that all she had was a pot of oil. The preacher said, “Go to your neighbors and borrow empty vessels…borrow as many as they will allow. When you have scrounged and done all you can, go into your house, shut the door, and pour the oil into the empty vessels.” While the empty vessels were available, the oil continued to flow, but when there were no more vessels, the oil stopped.

Bro. Jeff Arnold once preached, There Is A Miracle Looking For A Vessel. He was speaking about receiving a miracle, and it is a wonderful message. But I would take that word a step further, and ask, Is there an empty vessel looking to be a miracle?

Today the Lord wants to work through you. He wants to speak through you to encourage someone’s heart. He wants to work through you to show someone the Way. He wants to take your empty, willing vessel and anoint you for His service.

May you be encouraged today to present your body a living sacrifice unto the Lord. There is a place for you in the Kingdom, and I am a witness...the Lord will take your gift and make room for you. As you continually empty your vessel of debris and whatnot that tries to clutter the heart, the Lord will fill it and use you for His glory.

In speaking about the Apostle Paul someone once said, “God emptied him out, filled him up, sent him out, and took him home.”

Lord, may it be said of each of us that we did all we could while we could, to the glory of God.

Have a great day!

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