Sunday, February 14, 2010

Why I am here...

Hi everyone...anyone?! lol

Last night it dropped in my heart to open up this blog for the purpose of sharing a good word...

How blessed it is to be a blessing! Do you find that when you speak a good or kind word and encourage someone that YOU feel good? Well, that is as it should be. It is the biblical principle of sowing and reaping. When we plant tomatoes in our earthly garden we will not reap crabgrass, at least not on purpose, and it's the same in the realm of the Spirit. When we sow the blessings of the Lord, we will reap blessings.

That is why I am be a blessing, and to be blessed...

This evening may I encourage you in the Lord?

Perhaps it has been a long day of ministry and service. Maybe you are weary in mind and body afters hours of preparation and pouring yourself into the souls of the people. Just maybe it was a long day of getting the kids ready for church, trying to keep them quiet during the sermon, feeding the hungry howies afterward, and doing it all over again for evening service. Worn to a frazzle doesn't even come close to describing how you feel.

Maybe you are one who has been through the storms of life and are wondering when it will end. You might be one who is on the Potter's wheel of shaping and making. And perhaps you are struggling with the thing that we all struggle with from time to time...denying ourselves and taking up the Cross of Christ.

Well, I bring hope to you...

God is not on an Alaskan cruise or taking a nap. He has not hung up a going out of business sign, reading, 'Heaven Bankrupt of Blessing.' The Lord sees you where you are, and is there with you NOW! In the midst of the trial and the tiredness of the the pain of sorrow and grief of yesterday...with the fear of the night and the dread of tomorrow, God is there.

Rest in Him, for as my dear friends so beautifully sing, God sees the storm from the other side...

When we see the problem, He sees the answer. When we are weary, He is strength. When we see dark clouds, He sees the rainbow. When every door seems closed, He says, "I am the door!!"

Be encouraged! Stand strong and fear not! Your strength is in the blessing of the Lord!

I pray you receive it tonight...



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