Day in and day out people are faced with situations and problems that cause them to question whether they can make it through. They know God is in control…they know He is able, and yet there is the nagging feeling in their inner beings that this just might be the deal that sets them over the edge.
Well, I have come here today to encourage someone’s heart... it is not over! When it seems like our backs are against the wall and when we feel as if we have gone as far as we can, Jesus Christ is a God of His Word. We can count on that when we cannot count on anything else….He is a God of His Word. If He said it, He will do it. If He promised victory and blessing, He will perform it.
Hear the Word of the Lord…
"Blessed be the LORD, that hath given rest unto his people Israel, according to all that he promised: there hath not failed one word of all his good promise, which he promised by the hand of Moses his servant" (I Kings 8:56).
This is Word is not just a reference to Israel or Moses, but we can take rest in the promise that “not one word has failed of all His good promise which He promised.” (Amplified Bible).
It may seem like it has been a long time coming. It may appear the enemy of our soul has raised his ugly head and overturned God’s plan for our lives. We may feel that we have somehow forfeited this promise of God, but I have a word for you today…NOT SO!!
His promises are sure…
"God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good? Behold, I have received commandment to bless: and he hath blessed; and I cannot reverse it" (Numbers 23:19-20).
There is nothing I can do to reverse what God has ordained for you and neither can you prevent His will for me. Oh, we may try to interfere with God's plans, even unwittingly making a shambles of people’s lives, and our own, with our words or actions.
An individual may move and work in ways which seem to thwart God’s will and block the promise for a time, but they cannot curse you and reverse what Almighty God has commanded. If God has spoken a promise to you, all of the fires of hell cannot stop it from coming to pass.
It is the trick of the evil one to make us think that the whim of man can effect our destiny. But please keep in mind that the promise is not based on our lack of perfection or what man may think of us. It is based solely on the fact that He is a God of His Word.
Faith that cannot be shaken or moved is that which stands even when believing seems like the most ridiculous thing we have ever done.
Abraham had faith and obeyed, not knowing where he was going (Hebrews 11:8), and when there was nothing visible to cling to…when he didn’t see anything to hope for, he “believed in hope, that he might become the father of many nations; according to that which was spoken, So shall thy seed be” (Romans 4:18).
Paul takes this a step further when he states that Abraham “staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief” (v. 20). The Greek reads, “But he did not decide against the promise of God.”
Father Abraham did not stagger or stumble over how it looked or seemed or what others may have had to say about it, but being fully persuaded that what God had promised He was able to perform (v. 21), he made a conscious decision to believe God.
Standing at the altar of sacrifice, with hand raised to kill his son, God made divine arrangements to fulfill His Word, “that in Isaac shall thy seed be called” (Genesis 21:12). One elder said it best, “When Abraham was climbing up one side of the mountain in faith, the provision (the ram) was climbing up the other side.”
As it was with Abraham, so it has been through the corridors of time, that men and women of faith have chosen to believe against all odds, and in doing so, have seen God perform His Word time and time again. A shining example of this can be seen through this experience, shared with permission by Sister Eloise Jones…
“In the fall of 1986, I was in the midst of a battle. The Lord spoke to my heart, and said, ‘Stand still, I will fight this fight and you will see my salvation.’ In my mind I thought that this would be over in a few months…certainly no longer than a year. In the fall of 1997, this battle was just coming to an end.
I stood in my daughter’s kitchen with nothing to call my own but the clothes on my back. I cried out to God, ‘Lord, my husband has taken every material thing I have...I have nothing. Everything is gone...’
I turned and went upstairs to my granddaughter’s room, where I was staying. Opening my Bible, praying to find consolation, God gave me Haggai 2:3-9, with portions jumping out at me regarding my need...
‘Who is left among you that saw this house in her first glory? and how do ye see it now? is it not in your eyes in comparison of it as nothing…yet now be strong…be strong for I am with you, saith the LORD of hosts: according to the word that I covenanted with you when ye came out of Egypt, so my spirit remaineth among you: fear ye not…and I will fill this house with glory…the silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith the LORD of hosts.
The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former, saith the LORD of hosts: and in this place will I give peace, saith the LORD of hosts.’
My home had been taken from me by force, but in February of 2000, I moved into a home larger and better than the one I lost and there was nothing but peace. There comes a time in all our lives that we can turn only to Him and He alone will answer and meet our needs. ”
It should bring tremendous comfort to us to know that God will do whatever He has to do to fulfill His will. So today, dear one, do not be dismayed at the fiery trial and wonder where the Lord is in it…He is there!!
Be encouraged and stand strong though it may look dark and bleak…you may feel as if all hope is gone, but He is there for YOU!!
You are not forsaken or left alone. The arranging hand of the Master is at work as I write, assuring that the latter will be greater than the former…do not fear it…simply believe and receive it, in Jesus Name!!
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