Thursday, April 21, 2011

Loving God's Way

*This post was published here a few months ago, but an addendum is now written because I believe it is so fitting. I am posting a portion of an editorial in the November, 2010 Pentecostal Herald, written by Elder Simeon Young, Sr. :
"What if we believed the great doctrines of the Bible, but we despised one another? What if we had holiness standards down pat, but we were biting and devouring and consuming one another?
What if we tithes our income and gave generous offerings, but we wouldn't speak to each other? What if our music program was cutting edge, but the musicians couldn't stand each other? What of the preaching was topnotch, but the preacher didn't love the people and the people didn't love the preacher?...
All true religion hangs on love for God and for each other. Our faithfulness, our holiness, our prayer life, and our piety all hinge on our love for God and others. Without that kind of love, everything else we do and everything we are is canceled."
*And now to my thoughts on this important subject...*