Sunday, February 28, 2010

How to have a good day...

Have you ever read an article or a book and had a word or phrase kinda jump out at you? It happens to me all of the time. A word will seem to leap in my spirit and remain with me for days. It happened to me again the other day as I was reading a magazine.

In it was an interview with Ashley Judd, actress and activist, and a short comment about speaking words of appreciation. And there it was…'the leaping word'…appreciation. Ms. Judd said that she and her husband try every day to say something, be it big or small, to show appreciation.

Appreciation is gratitude, thankfulness, gratefulness, acknowledgment, favorable or grateful recognition. Who doesn’t like to receive it, but how often in our busy, and sometimes hectic routine do we think to extend it?

This goes beyond the random acts of kindness we show to strangers…letting someone with two items cut in the grocery line ahead of us…buying coffee for the next three people who come through a cafeteria or fast food drive-thru line, and they don’t know you did it…cleaning the snow off the car next to you in the parking lot at work before they come out and see you doing it.

What Ms. Judd was speaking about, and what I am ineptly trying to convey is the joy of speaking a word of appreciation to those closest to us…family, friends, church family, co-workers. Appreciating those nearest and dearest to our hearts may seem unnecessary, for surely they know we are grateful…or so we think. But I can assure you, they can’t read our minds.

It caused me to think of the little things that people do for me on a consistent basis, and wonder how often I have acknowledged it. For example, my 13 year old nephew has always taken his plate, be it a meal or snack, to the sink and rinsed it off…always. It’s a little thing, eh? But it’s the little things that can matter the most.

And so today, while driving to church service, I tried it out. Reaching over and patting my mother’s hand, I said, “Mom, I appreciate how you hold things together for us…” It took a few seconds of my time, but pleased her to hear it…and you know what? It made me feel good, too.

Appreciating the small things adds value to our lives. It increases our heart rate…I don’t mean the organ that beats between 70 and 100 beats per minute. I mean the heart that goes deeper than that…our inner most beings. Speaking appreciation for a deed done or a word spoken in due season enhances the lives of the giver and the receiver.

So let me encourage you today…if things haven’t quite gone your way…if the kids have been on the wild…if the dog tore up your favorite slippers…if the roast burned while you where at church, think on the little things.

At least once a day learn to speak a word of appreciation, if for no other reason than someone turned the radio down so you could better hear on the phone. Tell your son you appreciate that he hung up his coat, or that he didn’t leave his wet towel on the bathroom floor. Thank your Sunday School teacher for getting up early on a cold Sunday morning and delivering a good word from the Word.

See if appreciating the little, ordinary, every day things doesn’t make you feel better and make your day a little brighter…not to mention the joy it will bring to the hearer.

Have a good day every deserve it!!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Where Eagles Dare...

We take great pride in teaching our children to count, recite the alphabet, not to talk to strangers, say please and thank you, live honorably...the list is endless.

While all of these things are necessary for successful existence on this planet, they are not assurances of everlasting life. It is vital that we show them the Way.

The best time to teach a person anything is when they are young. For example, after an individual is grown, or after they think they are grown, it is too late to try to teach them to respect authority.

If all of their lives they have been allowed to act as they please and say whatever pops into their little heads, it is much too late when they are fifteen years old to demand respect...we won't get it.

So when they get into major trouble, and they will, we can’t blame the school system or the Church for not training them to respect God, family, country, and mankind. The most effective training will come from us.

This training begins with a desire to teach it. As eagerly as we approach every other subject, we must desire to teach our children, and more so as we see the day approaching. Sadly, some never seem to get it, and their children suffer the consequences.

One of my brothers describes this dichotomy of mindset as “the eagle and buzzard mentality...”

Just think about it...eagles build their nests in the tallest trees, and on the highest mountain peaks. Their young are birthed in the clouds and trained to soar.

The experts tell us that an eagle will remain under their young when they are learning to fly, just in case they are not strong and fall to the ground. From the high places the mother eagle is able to see for miles, detecting danger before it comes near the nest (Deuteronomy 32:11; Job 39:22-30).

We allude to this when we say that someone has an “eagle eye,” meaning they have a keen ability to watch and observe; sharp vision, maintaining a keen watchfulness.

The parent with the desire for an “eagle mentality” will bear their children up on their wings while there is other words, when they are young and have not become entangled with error and rebellion.

The ‘eagle’ will not resist correction but will train their kids in the Way, teaching them to respect the elders and Mothers of the Church. The ‘eagle-eyed’ parent watches where the children go, who they go with, and what they listen to. They are protective of their offspring, and keep them from the dangers (false doctrine) of this world.

The opposite of the eagle is the buzzard. Putting it simply, buzzards are unclean birds which hover low to the ground seeking that which is dead. The buzzard will never reach great heights because their focus is on rotting flesh. They have become accustomed to the look, smell, feel, and taste of death.

“The buzzard mentality” is a lazy, laid-back ideology. They never learned to excel in the Spirit, thus are unable to lift their children to higher ground. Buzzards only eat dead meat, and their children eat from the same garbage heap, refusing to eat anything else.

At the sign of spiritual death and destruction, the ‘buzzard’ finally swoops down, hooking the eaglet in his grasp. The parent with this attitude becomes attentive only after their child has developed the same spiritual indifference. They cry for help, but the kid has heard so much negativity that they are not even interested in anything connected with the Church, and the parent wonders “why?”

The interesting thing in all of this...the eagle, buzzard, hawk, and vulture are the same specie of bird. In other words, though they are in the same family, one has learned to fly, while the other is content to hover.

Though the bird doesn’t have a choice (he just does what comes naturally), we can choose to stay close to the ground where corruption abounds, or we can choose to soar in the realm of the Spirit, taking our kids where only eagles dare to go.

As we think about the alternative, do we really have a choice?!

Allow me to encourage you today to never lose hope, for the Word of God is true...if you train them in the Way they should go, when they are old, they will not depart (Proverbs 22:6). And therein lies the key...train them...teach them the Way.

It may look as if all hope is gone. They may be as far from the Lord as one can be. We may feel as though we have failed them..."what could I have done differently?" But trust me, please...if you have done your part, we have the assurance that the Lord will do His part.

The Word that you deposited in them when they were but a young'un will not return unto Him void, but will accomplish and prosper all that the Lord sent it to do (Isaiah 55:11).

I am a witness, y' works...!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

He Is A God of His Word...

Day in and day out people are faced with situations and problems that cause them to question whether they can make it through. They know God is in control…they know He is able, and yet there is the nagging feeling in their inner beings that this just might be the deal that sets them over the edge.

Well, I have come here today to encourage someone’s heart... it is not over! When it seems like our backs are against the wall and when we feel as if we have gone as far as we can, Jesus Christ is a God of His Word. We can count on that when we cannot count on anything else….He is a God of His Word. If He said it, He will do it. If He promised victory and blessing, He will perform it.

Hear the Word of the Lord…

"Blessed be the LORD, that hath given rest unto his people Israel, according to all that he promised: there hath not failed one word of all his good promise, which he promised by the hand of Moses his servant" (I Kings 8:56).

This is Word is not just a reference to Israel or Moses, but we can take rest in the promise that “not one word has failed of all His good promise which He promised.” (Amplified Bible).

It may seem like it has been a long time coming. It may appear the enemy of our soul has raised his ugly head and overturned God’s plan for our lives. We may feel that we have somehow forfeited this promise of God, but I have a word for you today…NOT SO!!

His promises are sure…

"God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good? Behold, I have received commandment to bless: and he hath blessed; and I cannot reverse it" (Numbers 23:19-20).

There is nothing I can do to reverse what God has ordained for you and neither can you prevent His will for me. Oh, we may try to interfere with God's plans, even unwittingly making a shambles of people’s lives, and our own, with our words or actions.

An individual may move and work in ways which seem to thwart God’s will and block the promise for a time, but they cannot curse you and reverse what Almighty God has commanded. If God has spoken a promise to you, all of the fires of hell cannot stop it from coming to pass.

It is the trick of the evil one to make us think that the whim of man can effect our destiny. But please keep in mind that the promise is not based on our lack of perfection or what man may think of us. It is based solely on the fact that He is a God of His Word.

Faith that cannot be shaken or moved is that which stands even when believing seems like the most ridiculous thing we have ever done.

Abraham had faith and obeyed, not knowing where he was going (Hebrews 11:8), and when there was nothing visible to cling to…when he didn’t see anything to hope for, he “believed in hope, that he might become the father of many nations; according to that which was spoken, So shall thy seed be” (Romans 4:18).

Paul takes this a step further when he states that Abraham “staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief” (v. 20). The Greek reads, “But he did not decide against the promise of God.”

Father Abraham did not stagger or stumble over how it looked or seemed or what others may have had to say about it, but being fully persuaded that what God had promised He was able to perform (v. 21), he made a conscious decision to believe God.

Standing at the altar of sacrifice, with hand raised to kill his son, God made divine arrangements to fulfill His Word, “that in Isaac shall thy seed be called” (Genesis 21:12). One elder said it best, “When Abraham was climbing up one side of the mountain in faith, the provision (the ram) was climbing up the other side.”

As it was with Abraham, so it has been through the corridors of time, that men and women of faith have chosen to believe against all odds, and in doing so, have seen God perform His Word time and time again. A shining example of this can be seen through this experience, shared with permission by Sister Eloise Jones…

“In the fall of 1986, I was in the midst of a battle. The Lord spoke to my heart, and said, ‘Stand still, I will fight this fight and you will see my salvation.’ In my mind I thought that this would be over in a few months…certainly no longer than a year. In the fall of 1997, this battle was just coming to an end.

I stood in my daughter’s kitchen with nothing to call my own but the clothes on my back. I cried out to God, ‘Lord, my husband has taken every material thing I have...I have nothing. Everything is gone...’

I turned and went upstairs to my granddaughter’s room, where I was staying. Opening my Bible, praying to find consolation, God gave me Haggai 2:3-9, with portions jumping out at me regarding my need...

‘Who is left among you that saw this house in her first glory? and how do ye see it now? is it not in your eyes in comparison of it as nothing…yet now be strong…be strong for I am with you, saith the LORD of hosts: according to the word that I covenanted with you when ye came out of Egypt, so my spirit remaineth among you: fear ye not…and I will fill this house with glory…the silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith the LORD of hosts.

The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former, saith the LORD of hosts: and in this place will I give peace, saith the LORD of hosts.’

My home had been taken from me by force, but in February of 2000, I moved into a home larger and better than the one I lost and there was nothing but peace. There comes a time in all our lives that we can turn only to Him and He alone will answer and meet our needs. ”

It should bring tremendous comfort to us to know that God will do whatever He has to do to fulfill His will. So today, dear one, do not be dismayed at the fiery trial and wonder where the Lord is in it…He is there!!

Be encouraged and stand strong though it may look dark and bleak…you may feel as if all hope is gone, but He is there for YOU!!

You are not forsaken or left alone. The arranging hand of the Master is at work as I write, assuring that the latter will be greater than the former…do not fear it…simply believe and receive it, in Jesus Name!!

Friday, February 19, 2010

The Issues Of Life...

“And a certain woman, which had an issue of blood twelve years, And had suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse, When she had heard of Jesus, came in the press behind, and touched his garment. For she said, If I may touch the hem of his clothes, I shall be whole” (Mark 5:25-28).

Though we don’t know her name, Jesus knew this "certain woman," and not only by name, but where she lived, her situation, and that she had been the one to touch Him. He didn’t ask, “Who touched me?” because He didn’t know…she needed to say, “I was the one, Master…it was me.”

The reality of it all is that Lord knows who we are as well, and is waiting for us to acknowledge that we need His tender touch. That is elementary, yet it is often a difficult thing for people to do.

Many times folks are afraid to confront the issue, or live with too much pride to admit a failure or flaw, a need or a desire. They will walk forever diseased or crippled in body or in spirit when the Healer is passing by the door of their heart.

The woman in this Bible story is not unique, for we all have issues. If someone declares that they are issue free, please check their pulse for signs of life. Issues are real and we all have them. It is a fact that issues can be found in every family, on every job, and in every church. Let it be further noted that issues do not discriminate and will turn up in the poor house, the White House, or our house.

How we deal with the various circumstances we face depends on us, and our character and ‘makeup’, so please understand that everyone deals differently. For instance, some folks are transparent to a fault and everyone always knows when they are going through a trial or personal issue of life.

Looking at others, we would not think that they have ever had issues arise because they give the appearance that they have it all together. However, it is not uncommon to wear the mask of “all is well,” especially around the Saints.

Neither extreme is a healthy one. It is vital that we find a place of balance and walk therein. Bearing our burdens with dignity allows that we can be cautious, yet at the same time, not afraid to trust…balance.

Fear is a terrible thing. It will keep us from trusting those who love us and desire to bring aid and comfort, and most importantly, from the One who loves us most…Jesus Christ.

Jesus said that he came that we would not just have life, but abundant life (John 10:10). This is life which is plentiful, overflowing, ample, generous, lavish, full, bountiful. Unfortunately, many do not believe it is possible…at least not for them.

What they are saying is that God shows respect of person. I mean, that must be it, right? What other reason can it be? They reason in their minds that He gave one person deliverance and inner healing, sure, but it’s not possible for them.

That thinking places God in the position of picking and choosing whom to heal…“I’ll deliver them, but not you!!” Consequently, they come to church services, week after week, seated at the banquet table and starving to death.

They are not eating because the table is not adequately spread or because others are taking more than their portion…there is ample food and deliverance for all. No, the problem is not with the Word or its delivering power. People do not eat because of fear or because somewhere along the way they lost the desire to eat.

However, the fact of the matter is this…if it’s not for you, dear heart, it’s not for anyone. If the Word doesn’t apply to your life or situation, it’s just another book, void of any power or might.

We might as well toss it aside and stop fooling ourselves. Strong words, but please understand that it is not that the Lord’s power is diminished if we do not believe and receive…it’s just diminished in our lives. It cannot work because we do not let it.

It is important to understand that if the woman with the issue had succumbed to fear, she would have died in her home. Had she not put feet to her faith, gotten up, made her way to the door and opened it, she never would have known deliverance.

Sounds simple, doesn’t it? Well, it is! We make it seem so difficult in that we feel we must go through this or that process to be healed and delivered, when faith is simply denoted by an action.

It means we must do something…speak with our mouth that we trust God to fulfill his promises, stand to our feet or lift our hand…wiggle a finger, but do something as a sign that we have heard the Word of faith, believe it and receive it.

That certain woman with the issue was driven by desperation. She had reached her point of no return, and once again, there was no backup plan.

Backup plans for many of us are plentiful. If God doesn’t do something by a certain time, we’ll just try this or that, and all the while think we are operating by faith. We will go here, there and everywhere preparing our ‘safety net’ just in case God doesn’t come through.

We will run to this person and the next seeking counsel, when Jesus is asking, “What about me? When will you turn to ME?”

Please hear me, the issues in your life may be great…divorce, death of loved one, financial worries, unsaved family, kids in trouble, abused or the abuser, unfulfilled dreams and visions, fear of the unknown, unwise choices, personal dysfunction…on and on it goes. But, through it all remember that every issue that does not kill will only serve to make you stronger.

Quoting her sister, Betsie, Corrie ten Boom spoke words which ring in my inner beings today…“There is no pit so deep that He is not deeper still.” She could say that after losing family and home in the devastation of World War II.

After being imprisoned and abused, destined to meet the same fate as her father and sister, God made divine arrangements just for her. Through what was later determined to be a clerical ‘error’, Miss ten Boom was released from the deep pit of the concentration camp and certain execution.

It wasn’t error, luck, or coincidence…it was the hand of a loving God making provision and arrangements when there was no way to be found.

You may wonder if He making arrangements for you, and the answer is, absolutely! He is the same God today in your situation as He was in days gone by. However, please understand that just because you can’t see what God is doing is not an indication that you are all alone.

Be encouraged…God is not ignoring you. The Almighty hand of God is at work as I write, giving you favor and rearranging the course of human events…and He's doing it just for you!

The arranging hand of God may not come as drastically as it did with Corrie ten Boom, but it is often in ways that are so miraculous, they boggle the mind and leave a lingering impact.

Sister Eloise Jones relates just such an instance in her life…

“It was about 6 a.m. and I was on my way to work. I left home that morning with a heavy heart and mind because my husband and I had had a terrible argument, and I was in tears. The I-475 highway was still under construction, so I took the Selby Street route. As I was getting ready to turn on Selby, I looked up at the sky and began to talk to God.

There was not much traffic at that hour, so I just sat at the corner, when suddenly I noticed that the sky was changing. The clouds began to shift and move…the rays of sunlight began to filter through like lightning.

It was moving so fast that the beauty of it was breathtaking. I began to drive and look at the sky, and looking to the west over the Buick complex, I saw two of the brightest and biggest rainbows I had ever seen arch the heavens.

This scene followed me to work, but by the time I had arrived and parked my car, all of it had disappeared and a light rain began to fall. As I stepped from my car, the Lord spoke to my heart, and said, ‘I did ALL of that for YOU!!’

My tears stopped, my hurt disappeared, and my heart leaped knowing that we serve a God that can move the heavens to bring sunshine and glorious rainbows of joy into our lives.”

How wonderful that Sister Jones recognized the voice of the Lord and what He did to bring peace to her heart. However, because you may not be unaware of God’s divine arrangements does not mean you are not as spiritual as just means you are unaware.

Don’t beat yourself up because your spiritual radar is off kilter. I urge you this day to simply stop for a moment, look around and see all the good things He is doing and all that He has provided.

Learn to recognize His voice and His hand on your life. Instead of being distressed and depressed when your plans are torn up or when situations come, look to the heavens and begin to thank Him for moving you into His perfect will. Learn to be faithful to give God the credit and the glory for your blessings and for His direction.

In spite of circumstance and issue, you are blessed this day!!


"And a certain woman, which had an issue of blood twelve years, And had suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse, When she had heard of Jesus, came in the press behind, and touched his garment. For she said, If I may touch the hem of his clothes, I shall be whole” (Mark 5:25-28).

She knew she wasn’t allowed in the public arena for the Law was explicit (Leviticus 15:19), but this was a desperate situation. Let’s face it…twelve years is a long time to suffer with an affliction, cut off from the routine of life.

We can all identify with the fact that desperation will cause one to do things they might not normally do. They may be compelled by circumstance and situation to move in areas that had not been planned or considered simply because of a need.

This woman had been to doctors, who in the course of time had taken her money, given her remedies and medications, but no chance of a cure from the illness or stigma. Having spent all that she had, she was at a point of no return when she heard about a man who didn’t just prescribe temporary relief but performed miracles.

Her story is told in Matthew 9:20, Mark 5:25, and Luke 8:43. There is no mention of her name, however, we know her as ‘the woman with the issue of blood’. Mark simply referred to her as “a certain woman” (Mark 5:25). This woman with the unknown name and without any assurances for the future did something drastic. She chose to follow a rumor.

“When she heard of Jesus…
(Mark 5:27)

As well-balanced Christians, we shy away from rumors and those who carry them…or we should, anyway, but this woman was not waiting on propriety to order her steps. She had to make a drastic decision based on a drastic need.

The girl really walked into this blind. She didn’t know if what she had been told about miracles was true. She didn’t know if folks were just telling her what they thought she wanted or needed to hear.

She only knew that she had no other alternative…her brook had dried up, the meal barrel and cruse of oil were empty, the bank account drained.

Her only hope was in a man she had never seen. When she heard he was going to be walking by her house, she chose to get up, open the door and see for herself if what she had heard about miracles was true.

The woman was certain that if she could just get close enough to touch Him, she would be whole. However, someone with her condition could not just go up and be that bold, and she certainly could not ask Him to lay hands on her.

So, understanding the nature of the Law, she must have approached the Master apprehensively. She wasn’t supposed to even be in public, let alone be touched by a man…what was she to do?

One can only imagine that seeing the crowd in the street, she left her home not really sure of a plan of action, all the while physically spent.

Picture it. Having such an affliction for as long as she did, one has to wonder how she was even able to stand. Thinking to herself, “Oh…if I could just get close enough to touch His robe…He wouldn’t see me and no one would ever know!”

Imagining this, it just seems to me that her weakened body pressed as closely as she could, reaching…ever reaching, but unable to touch Him. Perhaps she collapsed or stumbled. There she is, on the ground, the pressing and anxious crowd above her, the danger of being trampled to death quite real.

Finally, Jesus paused long enough for the woman to try one more time. She extended her hand as far as her little arm could reach and touched the hem of His garment.

Instantly the Lord turned and looked for the person who had touched Him. He knew that it was more than the press of the crowd and that He had been touched by faith because He felt power, abundance, and strength leave Him.

It is so remarkable to think that He could have walked down any road that day, but Almighty God made arrangements just for her…the woman with the unknown name.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Why I am here...

Hi everyone...anyone?! lol

Last night it dropped in my heart to open up this blog for the purpose of sharing a good word...

How blessed it is to be a blessing! Do you find that when you speak a good or kind word and encourage someone that YOU feel good? Well, that is as it should be. It is the biblical principle of sowing and reaping. When we plant tomatoes in our earthly garden we will not reap crabgrass, at least not on purpose, and it's the same in the realm of the Spirit. When we sow the blessings of the Lord, we will reap blessings.

That is why I am be a blessing, and to be blessed...

This evening may I encourage you in the Lord?

Perhaps it has been a long day of ministry and service. Maybe you are weary in mind and body afters hours of preparation and pouring yourself into the souls of the people. Just maybe it was a long day of getting the kids ready for church, trying to keep them quiet during the sermon, feeding the hungry howies afterward, and doing it all over again for evening service. Worn to a frazzle doesn't even come close to describing how you feel.

Maybe you are one who has been through the storms of life and are wondering when it will end. You might be one who is on the Potter's wheel of shaping and making. And perhaps you are struggling with the thing that we all struggle with from time to time...denying ourselves and taking up the Cross of Christ.

Well, I bring hope to you...

God is not on an Alaskan cruise or taking a nap. He has not hung up a going out of business sign, reading, 'Heaven Bankrupt of Blessing.' The Lord sees you where you are, and is there with you NOW! In the midst of the trial and the tiredness of the the pain of sorrow and grief of yesterday...with the fear of the night and the dread of tomorrow, God is there.

Rest in Him, for as my dear friends so beautifully sing, God sees the storm from the other side...

When we see the problem, He sees the answer. When we are weary, He is strength. When we see dark clouds, He sees the rainbow. When every door seems closed, He says, "I am the door!!"

Be encouraged! Stand strong and fear not! Your strength is in the blessing of the Lord!

I pray you receive it tonight...

