Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Legacy of the Church Mother

In the days and weeks, perhaps even ions that followed the dawn of creation, God looked at what He had made, and called it, “GOOD!”

But when He looked at His greatest creation, the Lord saw an emptiness that beautiful gardens and flowing streams could not fill.

And so it was that the Lord caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam.

It was there that a choice was made to take something that was deep within man in order to fill the void and bring completeness.

Our little minds cannot even imagine how someone as majestic and lovely…someone as inventive and creative…someone with a heart as big as all outdoors could be formed from a rib of a man, but it was so.

Adam was delighted with what the Lord had done, and said, “She shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of man.”

One writer said it best…

“Woman was taken out of man; not out of his head to top him, nor out of his feet to be trampled underfoot. But out of his side to be equal with him, under his arm to be protected by him, and under his heart to be loved by him.”


A suitable, fitting, proper help meet for man.

“I am woman, watch me roar” was a mantra sung and chanted by those whom I fear did not fully understand where legends come from.

Legends are not made by insistence of a place in society or history.

Legends are born.

We were created for greatness, each in our own way and in our own realm of influence.

We are not in this alone, nor are we an island unto ourselves, for we stand shoulder to shoulder with a long history of legendary women.

The songwriter who penned the words “I’m every woman” had it right, for indeed, we are EVERY woman.

We are single; married; divorced; widowed; mothers; grandmothers; aunts; homemakers; teachers; nurses; doctors; factory workers; accountants; pastor’s wives; secretaries; store clerks; business women; missionaries; leaders; followers; master chefs; musicians; inventors; writers; bus drivers; composers; policewomen; paramedics; Walmart greeters; prayer warriors.

We are Black and White…Hispanic and Asian…Arab and Israeli…Philipino and Afrikan…

We are every woman.

It is not a contradiction to say that we are both self-sufficient and dependent.

We can, and often do provide for ourselves, yet love when special attention is paid.

We know how to balance a checkbook and carpool…hopefully, not at the same time.

We can lovingly nurse a sick child back to health as well as brave the elements shoveling a snowy driveway.

We can build a Sunday School from the bottom up and prepare a good meal.

We are not afraid to be an anointed woman, at the same time, giving God the glory for it all.

We are every woman…strong and sometimes weak. We mentor and have been mentored. We pour out as it has been poured into us.

We stand for right when it might be unpopular to do so, but we continue to stand. We do not waver or doubt the Way.

We are every woman…legends and legends in the making.

The legends in the making, or young’uns, as someone lovingly calls us, walk in the steps of those who were not afraid to try.

We see a reflection in the ‘mirror of time’ women who were told they could not excel in business or education because of their gender.

We see a time when a woman’s voice was not a welcomed one, even in the Church.

We see those who suffered, and some who even died for the cause of Christ. They were Pentecostal when it was not fashionable to be sanctified, and were mocked, rebuked, and scorned.

We see women who did not conform to every whim and fad, but clung to the traditions set before them, and tenderly passed this love for separation unto the Lord to us.

It is because of their steps that our journey has no boundaries. We can do all things, and do them well, as God gives the strength and direction. This we learned seated at their feet.

We can stand, and do so proudly, because their words, and most importantly, their godly examples showed us the Way.

It has often been said that such women of faith are a Living Rule, the premise being that if the Bible were somehow taken from us, we would know the Way by studying the lives of such women.

Make no mistake…the ‘mirror of time’ does not reveal perfection, rather it shows us that failure does not define us…we can get up again because they stood the test of time.

So today we pledge to you, our living legends, and to all who will follow, we will remember from whence we came. We will not forget your sacrifice and faithful commitment. We will not sugarcoat the gospel for fame or fortune. We refuse to cast aside the traditions and principles that brought us over.

Mothers of the Church, YOU blazed the trail, and now today, we carefully march to your beat, in your footsteps of integrity and truth.

Because you showed us, not merely how to fly, but to soar with the eagles in the beauty and simplicity of holiness, and for a zillion other reasons, in reverence, and with undying love and respect, we whisper your names…

Sister Ruby Newman

Sister Irene Patterson

Sister Mattie McVety

Sister Faye Belote

Sister Teresa Baker

Sister Anna Bowen

Sister Mary McVety

Sister Rosemary Wardell

Sister Janet Fandale

Sister Mildred (Midge) Banks

Mother Willie Mae Jordan

Sister Mae Hartsock

Sister Betty Austin

Sister Sharon Reif

Sister Hannah Cole/Parent

Sister Geri McVety

Sister Peggie McGee